Lyle, Sara, Elsie, and Lane
This is from her actual birthday, we took our little cowgirl out to Texas Roadhouse
At her party- she had a mosquito-bitten swollen eye but she didnt let that get in her way of having a fun time!
The duck pond was a hit with the little ones!
One of Elsies favorite things to do is play with kids!
Elsie loved her own little first birthday cake!
At the end of the party, the duck pond seemed like the place to sit and relax for a few minutes - brrrrrr...
Side profile of head-cute little nose and round face already :-) haha
Playing with fingers- almost sucking thumb in this picture (today he/she kept playing with their little hands and even gave us a thumbs up sign at one point! so funny!)
Elsie taking a look at her new brother or sister!
She was so excited to see the new "ba-ba" on the screen (baby) haha.
A few cows posing for us along our walk :-)
Elsie has a new favorite toy! This is a little bear that a good friend of ours mother gave to us from her bear collection when Elsie was really little. It sings "Jesus Loves Me." I just randomly played it the other day and Elsie instantly had a huge smile on her face! We love to clap and sing along with the bear (now that she has just learned how to clap). I just love her reaction when I play this bear so I thought I'd share a few little video clips with you!
[ This is the one where she is sort of "singing" along, too :-) ]
This video had me in tears! What a wonderful and sweet boy! I just thought I would share this moving clip- at least it was very moving for me! It is such a simple message, but SO powerful! Especially coming from a young soul.
Incase you haven't seen this before, Logan is a 13 year-old boy who lives on a ranch in a very small town in Nebraska. Logan listens to Christian Radio station 89.3FM KSBJ which broadcasts from Houston, TX. Sky Angel is the family-safe satellite broadcasting service. Logan called the radio station distraught because he had to take down a calf . His words have wisdom beyond his years.
It has been too cold to take Elsie out to see all of them yet, but Uncle Augie brought one in the house yesterday morning to warm up a little more in the bathroom. Here are her first pictures with one of the baby pigs. Not the usual farm scenery but we're use to having livestock in the bathroom :-)